Time is love for you. You don't ask for love. You simply ask for freedom. You see the world as something that needs to be sought out. Something pulls you to find new ways of understanding who you are and where your ends are kept. You love water like no other. You can sit for 5 minutes with the water running over your hands and it has not lost its delight for you in the slightest. You are busy. But not in any way that is overly out of your bounds already. You love your parents and respect them. You have a little world that you go to sometimes, but you are careful to keep it open to all the possibilities that await. Your love for things is expanding and in turn they are showing up for you. Listening to your soul at all times, is what I see. And my oh my you have the most happy-giggly spirit in all the land. (our family at least ;)) I love you. You love me, and tell me. Yer the best!
Labels: Brooklyn